How we work
Our approach starts with obtaining an in-depth understanding of the issue, the current situation and local context, and getting to know those involved. We assess the organizational governance mechanisms in place, the capacity of staff to lead, plan and implement interventions and policies and their day to day work. We identify (for example) challenges, strengths, entry points – and barriers for change. We use different approaches depending on the issue – if it is simple, complex or complicated.
We provide our services through individual consultations, small and larger group workshops, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observations, reviews of relevant documents, and report writing.
All services are provided in person or through virtual communication, or a mix of both, as requested.
Depending on the context and target audience we work with a number of tools, including foresight and systems thinking tools.

Our tailored services include
Assess needs and analyse context
Optimize strategic directions and operations
Build capacity
Increase visibility and improve communication
Monitor and evaluate processes and impact
Our approach in focus: workforce development
We recognize that workforce development is a continuous process to ensure that people working within a system (an organization) have the skills, knowledge, capabilities and commitment to contribute to the success of public health programmes, interventions and policies and to the functioning of their organizations.
The workforce development we offer is specific to different target groups within an organization, for example:
- Upper Management
- Middle Management
- Potential Leaders
- Staff or teams working on the development or implementation of a public health programme, intervention or policy
- Administrative staff
We offer advanced training on methods of planning, implementing and marketing your program. We provide you with the skills, knowledge and capabilities you need to deal with every day issues, difficult situations and unexpected challenges your institution may encounter in the process towards reaching your set goals. We also offer training on specific technical issues (for example in the area of food and nutrition policy) to enhance programmes, interventions and policies in these areas.
Our approach in focus: process improvement
We recognize that the success of your operation is influenced by the system (the organization) in which it is implemented. When designing strategic and operational plans, we therefore take a closer look at existing governance mechanisms and structures of your organization, including for example:
- the roles and responsibilities of staff,
- the capability of the staff,
- separate structures for governance and management (e.g. the separation of the board, which governs and sets policies, exercises oversight, from the managements, which runs the organization)
- available resources and resource management,
- mechanisms that facilitate collaboration and partnerships,
- mechanisms to prevent and manage conflicts of interest, and
- accountability and transparency mechanisms
We first collect information about these mechanisms and structures, for example through key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observations, reviews of relevant documents. We then analyze and discuss results with relevant persons involved before designing strategic and operational plans to improve processes and achieve impact.