What we do
We work on the basis of mutual trust to help you:
- optimize the implementation of public or social health programs, interventions or policies,
- improve the performance and functioning of your organization
Achieving social change or improving the health and wellbeing in your community or beyond is complex as actions are influenced by cultural, political and economic dynamics as well as the natural and built environment. Every program, intervention and policy consequently will be unique.
Success of your operation depends on a number of factors, including for example the capacity and resources to implement your operation and the complexity of the issue to be addressed. Success is also influenced by the systems in which you operate and the governance of these systems. We take a closer look at all of these factors to provide targeted advice.

Our work includes the following services, tailored to your context:
- Designing strategic and/or operational plans to support the optimization of your operation
- Building capacity and optimizing use of resources to implement your operation, including through workforce development
- Advising on communication strategies to increase visibility of your operations, and advocacy to garner support
- Monitoring and evaluating the processes and impact of your operation.
Selected examples of the work we have guided, advised or led
Social and public health programs and interventions
- Development and implementation of an HIV/Aids program in Switzerland and establishment of an evaluation system
- Support to the development of an NGO in Hungary
- Development and implementation of a program with an indicator system on ‘healthy weight in children’ in Switzerland
- Development of tools for school principals to reduce consumption of sugars among school children
- Content development of “Beyond the Stars”, an initiative designed to encourage healthy eating and lifestyle habits in children through transmedia storytelling and immersive technology
- Evaluation of a computer-based nutrition education program for primary schools
Public health policies
- Implementation of an HIV/Aids Policy
- Implementation of Health Promotion policies and policies for financial support of health promotion institutions (e.g. foundations)
- Integration of nutrition services into universal health coverage
- Implementation and monitoring of policies to restrict marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children
- Implementation and monitoring of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk substitutes
- Implementation of taxes on sugar sweetened beverages
System change
- Initiation and conceptualization of the Swiss drug policy reform from war on drugs to harm reduction, with a focus on effective advocacy and understanding the pros and cons of nudging in a system.
- Organizational change to improve processes and functions, in small and medium enterprises, and within large companies
- Strengthening delivery of health promotion through establishing national health promotion foundations and tobacco control funds
- Strengthening delivery of health promotion in settings through establishment of health promoting schools and workplaces